投稿日 2019-06-14 12:49
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
出張の整理を行っています。その中でまずは番外編の Computex でみたモデルさんの写真を一挙公開します。18枚あります。 ブログルにはポストできる写真の枚数、大きさには制限はありません。...
じさぼけ Jisaboke Jet Lag A sleep disorder that can affect those who travel quickly across multiple time zones....
Starbucks is not スターバックス It is スタアバックス I did not know....
投稿日 2019-06-12 05:43
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I am heading back to Seattle today. Before that I will have few more meetings.
I am flying back to Seattle this evening. I have few things to do before I head to the airport. I have been away for two weeks and there are a lot of thing I need to do. There are only so much I can do with iPad. I need to get back on my Mac and write down what I need to do.
にせもの Nise Mono Fake Counterfeit...
投稿日 2019-06-10 20:48
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is a wonderful buffet restaurant ... Even then, it is very hard to reduce salt intake in Japan.
I learned about this messaging tool today. Many young people do not use Skype any more and starting to this app. I will try it out when I go back to Seattle.
あにめ アニメ Anime ... Animation...
投稿日 2019-06-09 19:34
ウチクラ ケンイチ
KUMA at Vega Systems in Japan is crazy smart ... I learn a lot from him. I thought my office was a mess but look at a genius’ office.