Advertisement is a crapshoot ... why. You always pay before you get your pay off. Wouldn't it be better if you pay advertisement only when you meet advertisers' sales pitch? The proof that advertisement does not work is the fact that you rarely see same advertisement for a long long time. There is absolutely no reason to...
投稿日 2017-08-06 11:19
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Do you create a product then try to sell? Or do you create sales strategy then design a product?
I am setting up my first PC (Windows PC) in many many years. I don't think Mac is easier, I just think I am so used to Mac that I have a hard time navigating Windows. I am sure Windows user will have a same problem when they try to use Mac. Also for this Windows PC, I got a Microsoft Office Professional 2016. I have...
It is common for dealerships to charge over manufacturer's sticker price (also know as MSRP ... Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price ) for the car. Especially when it come to rare cars. This is more common for the US cars especially for FORD. For instance the car above ... Ford Focus RS often sells for thousands ov...
This is done by Tim Girvin ... If you know who he is, you will be impressed. Thank you, Tim. In case you don't know him, here is the URL for his company. https://www.girvin.com
I created Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in July 1987. That was 30 years ago. I started Web & Email Hosting service back in 1996. We were one of the first to start Web & Email, Domain hosting service. Are we now one of the many hosting companies? From the surface it may appears to be same but there are...
投稿日 2017-07-21 10:49
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I created Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in July 1987. That was 30 years ago. I started Web & Email Hosting service back in 1996. We were one of the first to start Web & Email, Domain hosting service. Are we now one of the many hosting companies? From the surface it may appears to be same but there are...
Any money that you spend in the hope of generating income is considered Investment. If you are not receiving more than you spend, it is foolish to keep doing the same thing. So, is your marketing generating more than what you spend? If you are, keep doing it. If you are not ... think about alternative. KIROBOTO is coming.
Do they know what we do? I'm sure they don't. Dear Ken, After reviewing Pacific Software Publishing’s website, I was wondering if you have considered ...
When you sell your products to over seas, you need to make you product to adopt to their culture. One bad example of that is American Auto in Japan. In Japan, people drive on the left side of the street. So the car naturally have steering wheel on the right hand side of the car. Well, until recently American cars never cha...