投稿日 2018-10-13 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Look what I found ... You don't need to do your make up for video conferencing any more.
Although this is a test, you can buy Uchikura Co. ring-holder for your smartphone for just a penny. https://kiroboto.com/Seattle_WA/Posts/view/Uchikura_Co._Branded_Ring_Holder_3_Pack/20181012/714
投稿日 2018-10-12 09:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Sign up is very easy with Kiroboto and it is free. With Kiroboto account, you can advertise your company, products, service and sale. Even when the sale is going on at other sites such as Amazon and eBay. Advertisement is free. Please sign up using following link. https://kiroboto.com/users/signup-step1
No, it is not PoKe. PoKe is getting popular in the US, but this is Japanese style seafood bowl. You can get one in many places in Japan and the price ranges from 800 yen to 2,000yen. I think the one you are looking at is 1,200 yen in Ameyoko Tokyo.
We have just developed add on to our CRM (AKA Pilot) that allow out customer support people to send "Feedback" link after the job was complete. This allow you to send a email to the customer with the link to simple Feedback Page. When the customer write a feedback, the email is sent back to us. This is a simple progr...
これは美味しいぞ。 This is good tasting. これは空港のラウンジで食べました。 I ate those at Airport Lounge. おむすびは最高です。 Omusubi is the best....
投稿日 2018-10-11 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Here are the tings I found today. Please let me know any other deals you find on the Internet. https://kiroboto.com
投稿日 2018-10-10 09:49
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Tag Line is a catchphrase or slogan, especially as used in advertising, or the punchline of a joke. What is your Tag Line???
Do you like Japanese sweets? In Japan, (red) beans are cooked with sugar to make sweet paste. So, when I came to the US and tasted salty beans, it was difficult to adopt. Many of Japanese sweets are rice (mochi / rice cake) and sweet red means. Do you like any of them?
There are handful of people who registered as a teacher at Japanese-Online. We have not forgotten about you. When we have few more teachers, we will publish the pages with list of you. We will contact you before we do publish it to make sure you are okay with it. At the mean time, if you are a Japanese language teache...