投稿日 2018-11-07 18:23
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I have just two more nights in Tokyo. It is a beautiful night? I wonde hope many people would like to come to Japan with me if I setup a tour.
Coffee shop neat my hotel is serving breakfast for 480yen ... this includes a franchise toast and a tall iced coffee. Every nice and cheap.
In Japan coffee cream (half and half like) are called FRESH. The powdered creamers are not called FREASH. It is only real cream what is call FREASH. I guess people called it FRESH MILK or FRASH CREAM and the word FRESH just got stuck.
投稿日 2018-11-06 10:49
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Scooter with roof and windshield wiper ... Why don’t we have this in Settle???
I cam,e across the Hanno Festival in Hanno Japan.
Soba Noodle and Okra and Soft Bolid Egg Rice. Simple but great meal for 550 yen (US$5.00) in Tokyo. If you look a riound there are many great places to eat for not much money.
There is a Matsuri going on where I am staying.
You can just go to any supermarket and find great meals in Japan.
I had a wonderful Sashimi Lunch for 1,080Yen ... That is no more than $10.00 That is including tax and there is no tipping. You cannnot have this in the US for this price.
ただいま is a word you use to say “I am back.” When you hear someone says ただいま, you reply おかえりなさい. Okaerinasai means, “Welcome back.” The sign at the Nari...