投稿日 2024-07-10 16:45
9日、世界最大規模のワイン品評会、インターナショナル・ワイン・チャレンジ(IWC)の審査結果がロンドンで発表され、サケ(日本酒)部門の最優秀賞「チャンピオン・サケ」に都美人酒造(兵庫県南あわじ市)の純米吟醸酒「都美人 太陽」が選ばれています。 (日本酒)部門には、国内外の392の酒蔵から1504...
By Kosuke Kuji Before the novel coronavirus pandemic, sake competitions were actively held worldwide, such as the International Wine Challenge (IWC) i...
By Kosuke Kuji The International Wine Challenge (IWC) started the Japanese Sake Division since 2007, with one “Champion Sake” selected every year from...
By Kosuke Kuji Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai uses Iwate prefecture original sake rice “Ginotome” produced by Ninohe city, Iwate. This “Ginotome” was de...