
Suge Oishi!

  • ハッシュタグ「#stirfry」の検索結果1件

Mongolian Stir Fry With Gyoza

Mongolian Stir Fry With Gyoza
Buffets are very dangerous, none more dangerous than Mandarin Buffet & Grill in Bellevue. While they have a lot of dishes my favorite is to make my own stir fry.

It's really great, you choose your noodles, veggies, meats, sauce - and they fry it there for you on the spot! It's fantastic! When I do my stir fry I like to use 2 different kinds of noodles (thin and thick). I like to fry a fresh egg in it, with jalapeños, mushrooms, and a bit of chicken.

Unfortunately I found the chicken not very flavorful this time around. In the future I think I will request double sauce - which in this case was spicy garlic.

The 2 gyoza I grabbed from another tray at the buffet, I couldn't help myself they were so delicious!

A little tip, if you are doing the grill I recommend filling 2 plates and frying them together. You get more food and it is much quicker than going back for seconds!
#stirfry #sugeoishi


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