マイクロソフトのAIは、現時点ではグーグルのAI よりも少しだけマシかもしれません。しかしながら、例えば、マイクロソフトの提供する検索エンジンbingはグーグル以下か、同様の低いレベルです。
I'm not sure what ChatgGpt or something like that is,anyway some kind of Chat AI seems to be now on trend.
However,IMO,I think AI are still dump except some criteria.You can easliy understand this for example google's work(search results).They always give me quite terrible/ridiculous search results.It's frickin annoying.
This firm is the very part of the technocrat and just arrogant with frickin ugliness.
Look at thier crappy search results by "AI",you will understand their AI technology is still shit so I NEVER use google for searching for what I wanna look into.(They have too much censored the contents they(≒their major stock holders) don't want us to look at directly)
Because their AI that deals with search results still have done too sloppy work so search results they show us are shitty and unnatural as well.
Story turning back to subject,I never believe ChatGpt is significantly smarter than Google's AI.
Microsoft's just may a bit better than Google's right now.
Because "bing" that is search engine provided by Microsoft is frickin shit as well as(or just worse than) Google.
In short,furthermore,I guess It's not be to the dramatic extent at all.
If Microsoft AI were such smarter than the other's,Microsoft already should have defeated easily Google AKA "king of search results."
I seem to be able to hear the common excuse that "chat AI" is different from "search engine AI" but this doesn't work out.
Because I know both of them have very high relevant.