Soba Tabetai そば食べたい

Do you like Soba?

If you would like to eat something ... You name the dish you want to eat and add "Tabetai" or "Tabetai Desu" at the end.

Kare- Tabetaidesu カレー (Curry) 食べたいです。
Tonkatsu Tabetaidesu とんかつ (Pork Katsu) 食べたいです。
Yasai Tabetaidesu 野菜(Vegitables)食べたいです。

If you want to drink something, instead of Tabetai ... You say Nomitai 飲みたい.

Bi-Ru Nomitaidesu. ビール (Beer) 飲みたいです。
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Do you like UNIQLO?
They are the third largest clothing retailers in the world after Zara and GAP.


Yoshonoya Hidden Menu

I did not know there are so many hidden menus at Yoshinoya.

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Bonsai 盆栽 and Banzai 万歳

I often hear people in the US confuse Bonsai 盆栽 and Banzai 万歳.
What you see above is Bonsai 盆栽.
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海鮮丼 (Kaisen Don)

No, it is not PoKe. PoKe is getting popular in the US, but this is Japanese style seafood bowl. You can get one in many places in Japan and the price ranges from 800 yen to 2,000yen. I think the one you are looking at is 1,200 yen in Ameyoko Tokyo.
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Japanese Quick Lunch at Airport

This is good tasting.

I ate those at Airport Lounge.

Omusubi is the best.
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Japanese Sweets

From the left:
豆大福 Mame Daifuku
桜餅 Sakura Mochi
かしわ餅 Kashiwa Mochi
草餅 Kusa Mochi
大福餅 Daifuku Mochi
赤飯 Sekihan
Do you like Japanese sweets?
In Japan, (red) beans are cooked with sugar to make sweet paste.
So, when I came to the US and tasted salty beans, it was difficult to adopt.
Many of Japanese sweets are rice (mochi / rice cake) and sweet red means.
Do you like any of them?
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Thanks you for registering as a teacher at JoL!!!

There are handful of people who registered as a teacher at Japanese-Online. We have not forgotten about you. When we have few more teachers, we will publish the pages with list of you. We will contact you before we do publish it to make sure you are okay with it.

At the mean time, if you are a Japanese language teacher, please register at the fooling URL. Thank you.
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Fall for appetite?

Today, I want to talk about “食欲の秋 (shokuyoku-no-aki).” “食欲 (shoku-yoku)” means appetite, and “秋 (aki)” is fall. So the phrase literally means “Fall (is the season) for appetite.” In other words, fall is the best season to enjoy food!

Here is an example:
I ate too much, but fall is the best season to enjoy food… so it’s alright.

We have some other phrases using “〜の秋” besides 食欲の秋.
読書の秋 (dokusho-no-aki):fall is the best season for reading
スポーツの秋:fall is the best season for sports

Hope everyone enjoys the fall :)


Shinjyuku 新宿

What you should know about Shinjyuku.

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