Credit Card in Japan

Credit Card in Japan
When you visit Japan, you can use your VISA, MASTER CARD and AMEX like you do back home with exception of ... people may ask you following question.

"Do you want to pay it at once?"

What is that mean? Why do they ask that question?

Well, unlike credit cards in the US, Japanese credit cards require you to pay 100% every month except you ask your merchant to charge it over period of months. いっかつ means, you pay full amount at the end of the month.

Since you are from other countries, this does not apply to any of you. But this is something you should know about it.
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Do you like anime?

Do you like anime?
"Your Name" 「君の名は」is one of the most popular anime in Japan in 2016 and was release in the US in 2017. Have you seen it? Did you like it?

If you watch it in Japanese, did you understand it?

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$499 from US to Tokyo including Tax

$499 from US to Tokyo includi...
Air China Spring Flash Sale is here! Book your flight this weekend only 2.2-2.4. Special round trip fare from US to Asia from $499 (Tax Included)! Enjoy 10% discount on all routes and all classes of service! Limited-time offer, click to book!

This is one of the cheapest airfare I have seen.
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Not in Japan

Not in Japan
Not in Japan
Not in Japan
In the US, elevator ground floor numbers are marked with ☆ sign. In Japan, there is not such sign but usually floor 1 is the ground floor.
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Cool Gift from Japan

Cool Gift from Japan
Cool Gift from Japan
Cool Gift from Japan
Cool Gift from Japan
Cool Gift from Japan
One of my staff came back from Japan today. She brought me back the coaster that sucks moisture and keep itself dry. It is very cool. She told me it is a hit product in Japan.

I am going to Japan next Monday. Do you have anything that you want me to report on?
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You have been listening to Click It Audio

You have been listening to Clic...
Click It Audio ... Cloud audio management and embed service. Sign up for free. has been using this service. Click on the icon below to learn little more about it.

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Time Travel

Time Travel
One of the most beautiful things when you visit Japan is that there are many things that are new being coexisting with old things. Tokyo was burned to the ground toward the end of the World War II, but Japan rebuilt itself. But they kept a lot of old things. Amazing accomplishment.
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Night Sights in Shinjyuku

Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Night Sights in Shinjyuku
Enjoy the views of Shinjyuku 新宿
Have a good weekend, wherever you are.
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12 Things NOT to do in Japan

12 Things NOT to do in Japan
Something you should know.

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Playing with INVOKE with Cortana

Playing with INVOKE with Cort...
I got a INVOKE intelligent digital assistant from Microsoft and human Kardon. I asked it to say something in Japanese. Here is what happened.

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