- ハッシュタグ「#aboutjapan」の検索結果918件
It is a very text oriented site right now.
I am back into redeveloping the site. It stopped for few days because I had a very important guest from Japan.
Japanese-Online サイト再開発を再開
日本からのお客様で開発をストップしていた http://www.japanes-online.com のサイト再開発を再開しました。今は、現在のサイトのレッスン部分の作り直しをしています。一番手間がかかる部分です。頑張っていますのでもうしばらくお待ち下さい。
QR Code was originally developed in Japan.
I am working on new version of japanese-online.com ... It is slow but I am finding some bugs in the old version. I am fixing it as I am building new version using PSPinc's Web Builder http://www.webdexpress.com
Bento is so good and cheap in Japan.
All new Japanese-Online.com is currently looking like will open in about 8 weeks.
I am using the web development engine developed by PSPinc.
This tool makes it possible t table such a big task all by myself.
We just started rebuilding entire http://www.Japanese-Online.com
The current site will be available until the new site is released!
Steak Salad with Balsamic and Wasabi
In Japan, not many places serve salad as main dish for lunch or dinner.
I made this myself for my lunch today.
Una ... Short for Unagi うなぎ
Jyu ... Short for Jyubako 重箱
This is just great.
Japanese Standing Steakhouse Ikinari Will Shutter 9 of Its 11 NYC Locations.
Last year, the parent company debuted on the Nasdaq stock exchange, but soon after, the chain reported slow sales. Ikinari founder Kunio Ichinose and stateside operator Takashi Tsuchiyama once hoped for at least 20 locations in Manhattan — but now, only two will remain.
I think the steak culture is different between the US and Japan.
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