Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 262 日本語を学んでアニメをもっと楽しもう!(にほんごをまなんでアニメをもっとたのしもう!)

Japanese Online...


1. ()きなアニメを(えら)んで「(みみ)(きた)える」


2. フレーズを「真似(まね)する」



3. 字幕(じまく)を「(はず)して挑戦(ちょうせん)する」









アニメを日本語(にほんご)()ることで(たの)しく効果的(こうかてき)日本語(にほんご)(まな)ぶことができます。 さあ、あなたもお()()りのアニメで日本語(にほんご)学習(がくしゅう)冒険(ぼうけん)(はじ)めましょう!

Let’s Learn Japanese and Enjoy Anime Even More!
To all of you studying Japanese, have you ever wanted to enjoy Japanese anime on a deeper level? Anime is an excellent source for learning Japanese expressions and culture. In this article, we will introduce a study method for enjoying anime in Japanese.
How to Learn Japanese While Enjoying Anime
1. Train your ears
First, pick an anime you love and watch it with subtitles. While checking the meaning with subtitles, “listen with your ears” to the characters’ lines. Pay attention to the following points:
- Frequently used everyday expressions: Phrases like “thank you,” “good job,” and others that you can use right away!
- Pronunciation and intonation: The speed and inflection of native speakers are important to get used to.
2. Imitate the phrases
Try imitating your favorite characters’ lines. They often speak at a natural conversational speed in anime, so try following the below methods:
- Write the lines down and say them out loud.
- Record yourself and compare it to the anime’s pronunciation.
For example, here are some great phrases you can use to practice: 
- “Give your heart!” from Attack on Titan
- “Total concentration!” from Demon Slayer. 
3. Try watching without subtitles
Once you’re comfortable with subtitles, try watching anime without them. It’s okay if you can’t understand some parts at first. The important thing is to develop your ability to guess what the words mean from context. And by watching it repeatedly, your comprehension will naturally improve.
The Appeal of Japanese You Can Learn Through Anime
In addition to improving your language skills, other benefits of watching anime include: 
- Understand Japanese culture and ways of thinking.
- Enjoy dialects and differences in how each character speaks.
- Get emotionally involved in the story, which can motivate you to learn more.
For example, in "slice-of-life anime," you can learn modern conversations of young people, while in “historical anime,” you can learn old-fashioned expressions. The range of language you can learn varies depending on the genre.
Recommended Anime Genres and Learning Points
Slice-of-life anime (e.g. K-On! and Lucky Star)
→ You can learn phrases used in daily conversation and school life.
Fantasy and action anime (e.g. Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan)
→ You can expand your range of expression through slightly difficult expressions and emotional lines.
Comedy anime (e.g. Gintama, Osomatsu-san)
→ Through wordplay and humor, you can become familiar with natural Japanese.
Why don’t you give it a try?
Watching anime in Japanese is a fun and effective way to learn the language. So, let’s start your Japanese learning adventure with your favorite anime!
Click here for recommended learning materials and study support. Let’s expand the world of Japanese language and anime together!

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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