Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 255 ZIPAIR体験記(ZIPAIRたいけんき)

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海外(かいがい)から日本(にほん)()航空(こうくう)会社(がいしゃ)数多(かずおお)くありますが、日本(にほん)航空(こうくう)()がける国際(こくさい)LCC(ローコストキャリア)航空(こうくう)会社(がいしゃ)「ZIPAIR」をご(ぞん)じですか?ZIPAIRは以下(いか)路線(ろせん)運航(うんこう)しており、すべての路線(ろせん)でBoeing 787-8を使用(しよう)して快適(かいてき)(たび)提供(ていきょう)しています。

- 東京(とうきょう)成田(なりた)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ソウル(仁川(いんちょん)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- マニラ(ニノイ・アキノ)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- バンコク(スワンナプーム)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- シンガポール(チャンギ)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ホノルル(ダニエル・K・イノウエ)国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- バンクーバー国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- サンフランシスコ国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- サンノゼ国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ロサンゼルス国際空港(こくさいくうこう)
- ヒューストン国際空港(こくさいくうこう)(2025(ねん)3(がつ)4(にち)より運航(うんこう)開始(かいし)





The ZIPAIR Experience
Many airlines fly to Japan from overseas, but have you heard of ZIPAIR, an international LCC (Low-Cost Carrier) airline operated by Japan Airlines? With a Boeing 787-8 aircraft, ZIPAIR provides a comfortable travel experience and operates the following routes:

  • Tokyo (Narita) International Airport
  • Seoul (Incheon) International Airport
  • Manila (Ninoy Aquino) International Airport
  • Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) International Airport
  • Singapore (Changi) International Airport
  • Honolulu (Daniel K. Inouye) International Airport
  • Vancouver International Airport
  • San Francisco International Airport
  • San Jose International Airport
  • Los Angeles International Airport
  • Houston International Airport (operations start on March 4, 2025)

ZIPAIR Features:

ZIPAIR offers economy and full-flat seats at reasonable fares by keeping service to a minimum. All in-flight services are fee-based, so customers must purchase water, soft drinks, and meals. Ordering meals online in advance is less expensive than after boarding. However, they only offer meal service once after takeoff, and there aren’t any other additional services available.

You must also buy an amenity kit that includes a blanket, pillow, slippers, eye mask, and ear plugs separately but you can take it home after purchase.

There is no display for in-flight entertainment; instead, they provide free W-Fi. However, when I used it, the Wi-Fi was unstable and unsuitable for internet browsing. There are movies and other entertainment options available via Wi-Fi, but it’s a limited selection.

Cost-Conscious Options:

As a low-cost airline service, ZIPAIR is very attractive to those who value cost-effectiveness. However, due to its popularity, you have to make reservations at least three months in advance in some cases. In the past, it wasn’t possible to cancel a reservation after making one, but now, you can at least change the itinerary, but it’s still not possible to cancel a reservation.

Why not consider ZIPAIR as one of your transportation options to Japan?

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