Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 254 日本が誇る「おもてなし」の心を世界へ (にほんがほこる「おもてなし」のこころをせかいへ)

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1. 観光(かんこう)(ぎょう)

2. 飲食(いんしょく)(ぎょう)

3. ビジネスシーン


- 観察力(かんさつりょく)(みが)

- 予想(よそう)()える感動(かんどう)提供(ていきょう)する

- 感謝(かんしゃ)(わす)れない



Bringing Japan's Proud Spirit of Omotenashi to the World
Good afternoon!  
Today, I would like to introduce the spirit of Omotenashi, the pride of Japanese culture to the world.  

What is Omotenashi?  

Omotenashi means to sincerely care for others and to provide consideration and care that exceeds their expectations. It’s not just about providing physical services but also about the deep consideration of the other person's point of view.

As the word suggests, the spirit of “Omotenashi” goes beyond creating a spiritual value that gives the other person a sense of security and special feeling.  

Omotenashi Situations

1. The Tourism Industry

At Japanese inns and hotels, staff will pay special attention to detail, from the warm greeting at check-in to the seasonal decorations in your room. This kind of attention gives visitors a special emotional experience.

2. Food and Beverages  

The beautiful appearance when serving meals and the sense of seasonality through food are symbols of Omotenashi (hospitality). Incorporating the tastes and requests of every customer enriches the dining experience.  

3. In Business Situations

Careful preparation for meetings and consideration for business partners are parts of “Omotenashi” that build trust. It’s not just about advancing the transaction, but also about considering the success and satisfaction of the other party, which builds a good relationship.  

How to Practice Omotenashi  

- Improve your observational skills  

It’s important to perceive what the other party is looking for, even if they don’t say it. By noticing the smallest of gestures or hearing different nuances of language, you can take appropriate action.

- Provide more excitement than expected.  

By going above and beyond what they expect, you can provide an unforgettable experience. For example, when giving a gift, you can add a personal touch to the recipient's tastes and preferences.  

- Remember to be appreciative.  

Omotenashi is born out of gratitude. By tangibly expressing your gratitude, you can build a mutually comfortable relationship.  

The Future of Omotenashi  

In today's globalized world, the spirit of “Omotenashi” is a value not only Japan needs but around the world. Respectful and considerate responses to others have the power to connect people's hearts and minds across countries and cultures.  

Omotenashi is not about fancy actions or extravagant performances, but rather a series of small considerations that bring the other person closer and provide comfort. Let's try to make Omotenashi so natural that it goes unnoticed. Why not incorporate the spirit of Omotenashi into your daily life and work and spread a little excitement?

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