Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 247日本で最も愛される方言は関西弁 しらんけど*(にほんでもっともあいされるほうげんはかんさいべん しらんけど*)

Japanese Online...

1. ユーモアと(した)しみやすさ


2. 独特(どくとく)のリズムとイントネーション


3. ドラマや映画(えいが)での使用(しよう)


4. 個性(こせい)強調(きょうちょう)


5. 全国的(ぜんこくてき)影響力(えいきょうりょく)


6. 「関西人(かんさいじん)」のキャラクターとしての魅力(みりょく)



* 関西弁(かんさいべん)の「しらんけど」は、会話(かいわ)最後(さいご)()(くわ)えられるフレーズで、「自信(じしん)がないけど…」「()らないけど…」というニュアンスを()ちます。確実(かくじつ)ではない情報(じょうほう)(つた)える(さい)や、冗談(じょうだん)っぽく責任(せきにん)回避(かいひ)をするために使(つか)われ、会話(かいわ)(やわ)らかくしたり(かる)印象(いんしょう)(あた)える効果(こうか)があります。
One of Japan’s Most Beloved Dialects: Kansai
Kansai-ben is one of Japan’s most well-liked dialects and its appeal is manifold. Below are some of the reasons why the Kansai dialect is so beloved. Shirankedo*.

*Japanese people who speak in the Kansai dialect add the phrase, “shirankedo” at the end of a conversation with the nuanced meaning of “I’m not sure…” or “I don’t know”. People use it to deliver uncertain information or to avoid responsibility in a joking manner. “Shirankedo” also helps soften a conversation by giving it a light impression.

1. Humor and Friendliness

People say the Kansai dialect is particularly humorous and friendly. The Kansai region, especially Osaka, is rooted in a “culture of laughter”. Even casual conversation often takes on a cheerful, fun atmosphere when spoken in the Kansai dialect. Comedians and variety shows often use the Kansai dialect to elicit laughter.

2. Unique Rhythm and Intonation

Compared to other Japanese dialects, the Kansai dialect has a distinct rhythm and intonation that’s easy on the ear. The rising and falling of sounds and ending words with “~yan” and “~nen” contain many energetic sounds that many people find pleasant to listen to. 

3. Use in Dramas and Movies

Many dramas and movies also use the Kansai dialect, especially ones set in Osaka. This has made the Kansai dialect familiar and natural to viewers throughout Japan. Viewers therefore easily feel a sense of familiarity with characters who speak in the Kansai dialect.

4. Individuality and Emphasis

People also consider the Kansai dialect rich in self-expression and one that enhances a speaker’s individuality. People use it in a wide range of situations, from a light conversation amongst friends to business situations. This is one of the reasons why people who speak in the Kansai dialect seem cheerful and energetic.

5. Nationwide Influence

Even many people outside the Kansai region speak Kansai-ben as it’s become a nationwide trend, especially among young people. Its widespread use on social media and video content has made it a familiar language to many people, no matter where they live.

6. The “Kansai-jin” Appeal as Characters 

Media often portray people who speak Kansai-ben as friendly and humorous characters. This generous and vivacious image typical of “Kansai-jin” further enhances the appeal of the Kansai dialect. Particularly, many people throughout the country have attributed the positive image of “Kansai-ben = funny” and “Kansai-jin = cheerful”, thanks to comedians and TV personalities.

The Kansai dialect has become one of the most beloved dialects in Japan due to its cheerful sound, humorous nature, and nationwide popularity. Its distinctive rhythm and mode of expression make people who hear it feel energized and familiar, and people widely use it in everything from everyday conversation to entertainment.

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