Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 224 日本の履歴書(にほんのりれきしょ)

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The Japanese Resume

When you are looking for a job, regardless of what country, a resume will be needed. In the U.S., you write a resume containing your educational background, work experience, and skills. In Japan, you create what is called a Rirekisho (roughly translates to “personal history document”) which differs from a standard resume. Today, let's take a look at how the Japanese resume is written.

The Japanese resume does not have a flexible structure. Rirekisho templates are sold for example at stationery stores. Nowadays you can fill these templates digitally, and you can also download a template form from the Internet. In the past, it was common practice to write these by hand, and even today, some companies still require handwritten resumes. If it is handwritten, the handwriting and other aspects of the writing are subject to review.

There are some items on a Japanese resume that are not included on a U.S. resume. First is the portrait photo. In addition, any education and employment history, as well as your date of birth and gender (typically a choice between male and female) must be clearly indicated. In some Japanese job ads, gender and age are specified.

Generally, all resumes must be written in Japanese. Misspellings and omissions may factor into one's evaluation. If your resume is handwritten, it should be written using an oil-based ballpoint pen. Writing in pencil or water-based erasable pens is not allowed.

In Japan, the resume is the first step in determining whether you are eligible for an interview. Also, remember that in Japan, physical resumes are still used, not digital. It is advised that you have a copy of your resume ready when you have gone through the application screening process and are meeting for an in-person interview.

Note: PSPINC is currently developing a service for writing Japanese resumes.

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