Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 216 漢字・ひらがな・カタカナ・ローマ字(かんじ・ひらがな・カタカナ・ローマじ)


1. 漢字(かんじ)(Kanji):

2. ひらがな(Hiragana):

3. カタカナ(Katakana):

4. ローマ()(Romaji):

これらの文字(もじ)体系(たいけい)()()わさることで、日本語(にほんご)多様(たよう)情報(じょうほう)効果的(こうかてき)(つた)えることができます。日本語(にほんご)(ただ)しい発音(はつおん)(まな)(さい)に、ローマ()表記(ひょうき)することで日本語(にほんご)発音(はつおん)(くず)してしまう可能性(かのうせい)があります。(たと)えば、「こんにちは」をローマ()表記(ひょうき)すると"Konnichiwa"となり、「こんにちは」との発音(はつおん)(こと)なってしまいます。これは、ローマ()において単体(たんたい)の"n" を「ん」と発音(はつおん)することがないためです。日本語(にほんご)音韻(おんいん)体系(たいけい)では、「ん」は単独(たんどく)発音(はつおん)されることがありますが、ローマ()ではその表現(ひょうげん)がないため、正確(せいかく)発音(はつおん)表現(ひょうげん)することが(むずか)しくなります。


Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji

The historical background and characteristics of each writing system drive the use of kanji, hiragana, katakana, and romaji in Japanese.

1. Kanji:
Japanese people adopted kanji from China, and it represents some of the Japanese vocabulary. Kanji is well-suited for expressing words and concepts, playing a crucial role in writing. It helps distinguish homonyms and contributes to lexical diversity.

2. Hiragana:
Hiragana, a distinctly Japanese script, primarily represents grammatical elements like particles, auxiliary verbs, and conjugated endings. It serves as an easily readable writing system for children and beginners. Hiragana is also used as furigana for kanji, indicating the reading of challenging characters.

3. Katakana:
Katakana, another uniquely Japanese script, is something Japanese people use for writing words of foreign origin, including foreign words, proper nouns, and scientific terms. It helps when borrowing vocabulary and introducing new concepts, and you can use it to emphasize things and convey special connotations.

4. Romaji: 
Romaji is an alphabetic writing system useful for foreigners learning Japanese and digital communication, like email and other writing on the internet. They also use romaji to write foreign languages and technical terms.

Collectively, these writing systems let the Japanese language effectively convey a wide range of information. When learning Japanese pronunciation accurately, hiragana and katakana are more suitable than romaji. Romaji can disrupt Japanese pronunciation; for instance, the word "konnichiwa" in romaji is "Konichiwa," which is pronounced differently from "konnichiwa" because they never pronounce the single "n" as "n" in romaji. Hiragana and katakana are designed to represent Japanese pronunciation directly, helping students understand accurate pronunciation. Additionally, students can learn natural pronunciation by actively listening to and speaking Japanese.

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__..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._ あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも やいゆえよ らりるれろ わゐうゑを ん __..-・**・-..__..-・**・-.._

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