Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 205 日本のクリスマスとKFC(にほんのクリスマスとKFC)

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KFC and Christmas in Japan

An intriguing cultural phenomenon in Japan is the connection between KFC and Christmas. 

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Japanese households typically didn't celebrate Christmas. During this era, Christmas in Japan grew into more of a celebration enjoyed between lovers and friends rather than a religious holiday.

Against this backdrop, KFC introduced the "Kentucky Christmas" campaign in the early 1970s. They introduced the "Christmas Pack", a limited Christmas menu featuring chicken, side dishes, and cake. This campaign aimed to promote the culture of savoring chicken at home during the Christmas season.

The campaign proved immensely successful, establishing KFC as a Christmas staple. Now, it's become customary to see crowds of people lining up at KFC stores or making reservations, especially on Christmas Eve. For many families, purchasing a KFC Christmas Pack has become a tradition, allowing them to enjoy KFC with family and friends on Christmas.

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