Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 167 もんじゃ焼き(もんじゃやき)







"Monjayaki" is one of Japan's local cuisines, a dish cooked on an iron plate made from a flour and egg batter with ingredients like pork, squid, shrimp, green onions, and tenkasu (deep-fried flour). This dish is especially popular in Asakusa and old town Tokyo.

As the monjayaki batter cooks, it mixes with the cabbage and other ingredients to create a creamy texture. After cooking, they usually season monjayaki with sauce, mayonnaise, aonori (dried seaweed), red ginger, shichimi pepper (seven-flavor chili pepper), or other seasonings to taste.

Monjayaki is known for its light texture and rich flavor, making it easy to enjoy at home because you can cook individual servings. It also goes well with beer, sake, and other alcoholic beverages, and you’ll find it at an izakaya (a Japanese-style pub).

It’s a common perception that okonomiyaki, hiroshima-yaki, and takoyaki as more mainstream dishes compared to monjayaki in Kansai. Okonomiyaki and takoyaki are familiar local dishes and restaurants located in the Kansai region generally serve them. Hiroshima-yaki, mainly spread in the Hiroshima Prefecture, is also well known in the Kansai region, with specialty stores serving it as well.

On the other hand, some restaurants also serve monjayaki in the Kansai region, but not as many as those that serve okonomiyaki or Takoyaki. Monjayaki is popular in Tokyo and its surrounding areas, and monjayaki and okonomiyaki have different tastes and textures. However, many people in the Kansai region also like and want to eat monjayaki. So, sometimes, specialty restaurants and izakayas serve monjayaki in the Kansai region as well.

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