Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 86 上野(うえの)

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歴史(れきし)()きな(かた)にとっても特別(とくべつ)場所(ばしょ)ではないでしょうか。将軍(しょうぐん)徳川家(とくがわけ)菩提寺(ぼだいじ)のひとつである「寛永寺(かんえいじ)」が上野(うえの)にあります。もうひとつの菩提寺(ぼだいじ)増上寺(ぞうじょうじ)でJR浜松町(はままつちょう)(えき)から徒歩(とほ)で10(ぷん)のところにあります。上野(うえの)寛永寺(かんえいじ)は、1625(ねん)東京(とうきょう)当時(とうじ)江戸(えど))の鬼門(きもん)東北(とうほく))にあたる台地(だいち)現在(げんざい)上野(うえの)公園(こうえん))に徳川(とくがわ)幕府(ばくふ)平安(へいあん)祈願(きがん)するために()てたお(てら)です。 また、上野(うえの)前回(ぜんかい)(つた)えしたアメ(よこ)北側(きたがわ)()(ぐち)で、たくさんのお(みせ)()(まわ)ることができます。大人(おとな)から子供(こども)まで、(あさ)から(ばん)まで東京(とうきょう)歴史(れきし)満喫(まんきつ)できる(まち)です。日本(にほん)()かれたときには、ぜひ()()っていただきたい場所(ばしょ)(ひと)つです。


What's in Ueno? Many of the trains heading north or east from Tokyo, such as Hokuriku, Shinshu, Shinetsu, and Tohoku, used to start at Ueno Station. Now, many of them have connected their lines to Tokyo Station, with Tokyo Station being their starting point.

The station mentioned above is home to many museums and art galleries in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. The National Museum of Nature and Science, the Tokyo National Museum, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, the National Museum of Western Art, the Ueno Royal Museum, and the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan are all located in Ueno. If you are a fan of zoos, there is also the "Ueno Zoo". There are more places than you can see in one day.

For those who love history, there is a special destination in Ueno. One of the family temples of the Tokugawa shogunate is called Kan'eiji Temple and it is located in Ueno. Another family temple is Zojoji Temple, which is a 10-minute walk from JR Hamamatsucho Station. Ueno Kan'eiji Temple was built in 1625 with the purpose being to pray for peace. It was built by the Tokugawa Shogunate on the plateau (now Ueno Park), which is the demon's gate (northeast) of Tokyo (then Edo).

Ueno is also the northern entrance to Ameyoko, which I told you about in my last newsletter, where you can visit many stores. This is a city where adults and children alike can enjoy the history of Tokyo from morning till night. It is one of the places you should stop by if you visit Japan.

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