Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 66 コンビニエンスストア 1

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2021(ねん)4(がつ)15(にち)現在(げんざい)国内(こくない)店舗数(てんぽすう)は、セブンイレブン 21,143(てん)、ファミリーマート 16,631(てん)、ローソン 14,476(てん)です。米国(べいこく)のコンビニエンスストアと(ちが)って()(もの)()べもののような(なが)()けるもの以外(いがい)に、新鮮(しんせん)()(もの)、フレッシュなコーヒーやおむすび、お弁当(べんとう)などがあります。また、下着(したぎ)靴下(くつした)()ブラシ、化粧品(けしょうひん)なども(おお)()られています。ノートやペンのような文具(ぶんぐ)()かれています。


Convenience Stores 1

Convenience stores can be found all over the world, however, in Japan (and other parts of Asia), convenience stores are familiarly called "konbini". Currently, there are three major convenience stores in Japan. These are, in order of the number of stores: 7-Eleven, Family Market, and Lawson.

As of April 15, 2021, there are 21,143 7-Eleven stores, 16,631 Family Market stores, and 14,476 Lawson stores in Japan. Unlike convenience stores in the U.S., in Japan convenience stores offer fresh food, fresh coffee, diapers, and bento boxes. This is in addition to things that can be stored for a long time, such as drinks and food. They also sell underwear, socks, toothbrushes, and cosmetics. Stationery such as notebooks and pens are also available.

As you can likely tell based on a large number of stores, you can walk to a convenience store from anywhere in Japan. Also, many of these stores are open 24 hours a day. If you get thirsty or hungry in Japan, or if it suddenly starts to rain and you need an umbrella, please stop by.

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