Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 49 年賀状(ねんがじょう)












New Year's Greeting Cards (Nengajyo)


In Japan, there is a custom of sending a postcard to celebrate the New Year. This postcard is called Nengajyo. Nengajyo is not like a traditional sealed letter Christmas card, but rather a postcard. Nengajyo can be bought at the post office and it generally includes:


  Happy New Year (Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu)

  Please accept my best wishes for this year. (Kotoshimo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu.)


However, there are also many cases where people write about what happened this year or their hopes for the new year. Also, do you know about the Chinese zodiac? 2020 was the year of the mouse, and next year will be the year of the cow. Therefore, many Nengajyo will have a picture of a cow on them this year.


Why don't you send a Nengajyo to your friends in Japan?


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