Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 48 擬音語・擬態語(ぎおんご・ぎたいご)




()べすぎてお(なか)がパンパン(Pan Pan)です。」

Pan Pan は、(なに)かで(ふくろ)()(もの)がいっぱいの状態(じょうたい)(しめ)言葉(ことば)です。


(あたま)がズキズキ(Zuki Zuki)します。」

Zuki Zuki は、(いた)みが周期的(しゅうきてき)にやってくる状況(じょうきょう)(しめ)します。


(むね)がドキドキ(Doki Doki)します。」

Doki Doki は、興奮(こうふん)して心臓(しんぞう)(はげ)しく鼓動(こどう)している状況(じょうきょう)(しめ)します。


モグモグ(Mogu Mogu)と()みます。」

Mogu Mogu ()(もの)()状況(じょうきょう)(しめ)しています。


「お(かね)がザクザク(Zaku Zaku(はい)ってきます。」

Zaku Zaku は、お(かね)などがたくさんある場合(ばあい)使(つか)います。





Onomatopoeias and mimetic words


In Japanese, there are two types of onomatopoeias: onomatopoeic words for the sounds of things (GI-ON-GO) and onomatopoeic words for the states of things (GI-TAI-GO). Today I would like to introduce the onomatopoeia and mimetic words.


I've eaten too much and my stomach is Pan Pan.

Pan Pan is a word that indicates a bag full of something, a container full of something.


My head is throbbing (Zuki Zuki).

Zuki Zuki describes a situation in which the pain stops periodically.


Doki Doki" means "My chest is throbbing (Doki Doki).

Doki Doki describes a situation in which your heart is beating wildly with excitement.


Mogu Mogu" is chewing.

Mogu Mogu indicates a situation in which food is being chewed.


There is "Zaku Zaku" (money zaku).

Zaku Zaku is used when you have a lot of money or other things.


There are many other onomatopoeias and mimetic words in Japanese.

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