Japanese Online Newsletter Vol. 47 のし袋 (のしぶくろ)







Noshi Bukuro (Noshi Bukuro)


Sometimes money is given as a gift at weddings and funerals. In Japan, people give cash because they don't use checks, but it is considered rude to simply give cash to somebody. If you give cash in an ordinary envelope, it's hard to tell what you're giving the money for. This is where a noshi-bukuro is used.


There are different types of noshi bags, the size and color of the bag varies depending on the time of year and the amount of money. In addition, the paper bag itself and the way the strings (called mizuhiki) are tied is also different. You can buy noshi bags at stationery stores, convenience stores and 100-yen stores. If you don't know which kind of gift bag to use or how much money to put in it, you can ask the clerk. Even Japanese people are not sure about the types and amounts for noshi bags.


By the way, noshi (noshi) is a decoration attached to the bag (sometimes printed), and there are many different types.

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