Dear Bloguru Users, Thank you for your continued support of Bloguru. We will be conducting a Bloguru system maintenance as scheduled below. You may experience some delay while using Bloguru for 1 minute but no downtime is expected. * USA Pacific Daylight Time - Apr 6th (Wed) 10:00am-10:15am * Japan Time - Apr ...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in sending emails for a few seconds during the time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Day...
Thank you for your continued support of Bloguru. Previously, the "Email Me" button, if set to display, would only show to logged-in users. We have added an option to allow the display to everyone including guest users. If you want to show the "Email Me" button to all blog visitors, you can do so by clicking Login > Basi...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in sending emails for a few seconds during the time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Day...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We will update NewsMAIL services to add subscription form email verification feature as scheduled below. Please note that there will be around 1 hour downtime for NewsMAIL services during the update period below. The schedule is as follows: ...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. There will be a period of about 10 minutes during which a part of Dreamersi mail users will not be able to send or receive e-mail...
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. There will be a period of about 10 minutes during which a part of Dreamersi mail users will not be able to send or receive e-mail...
Thank you for using Bloguru. We are pleased to announce that we have updated Bloguru's hashtags feature. When creating a new post or editing a post, you can now find all of the hashtags you have ever used, sorted by the number of times you have used a hashtag! Your most popular hashtags will be at the top and your ...
Dear valued customer,Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.We are always looking to improve the services we offer you.As such, we will be conducting Dreamersi system update.We will be updating our phpmyadmin version from 4.9.4 to 5.1.1**Please note that phpmyadmin 5.1.1 does not work with php5.6....
Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may not be able to receive emails for a few seconds during the below period. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Stand...