We’re pleased to announce that we’ve now updated the user interface (UI) user panel for the non-admin users of our web hosting service, Dreamersi. In this update, we've: Organized and updated the "Offers and Services" section Added "Web Design" Added "Custom Development" Dreamersi is our premiere hosting se...
Cybercrime has only increased over the past few years. And the average cost of cybersecurity for businesses has also climbed. Cybersecurity, according to IBM, is the practice of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks. For businesses, it’s important to have a sound strategy in place to ke...
Big data is exactly what it sounds like: an enormous, exponentially growing amount of data. Data versus big data really comes down to three factors known as the three V's: volume, velocity, and variety. Volume refers to the sheer amount of data. Velocity, however, looks at how fast it generates. Lastly, variety includes st...
At PSPINC, we work in teams. Over the years, it’s proven to be helpful in all business tasks. At the end of the day, everyone works together to get the job done. That includes processes from creating a new product or service to marketing it. For example, every new product or service we create must go through a laun...
Following last month’s release of the English version of our new DENREI app, we’re pleased to announce that a Japanese version is now available! With this new update, people in Japan can now try our app, DENREI. With DENREI, users can only exchange messages with other DENREI members. Using the power of email...
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve updated our admin panel for our premiere web hosting service, Dreamersi! As a big thank you to our loyal customers, Dreamersi users will now see that their admin panel now includes a link to a special promotion. When you sign in to your account, you’ll now see a banner at...
Here at PSPINC, we believe in excellent customer support. That’s why we have a whole support team that spends their day answering questions our customers may have. While automated customer service has gotten popular in the last few years, we persist. Even though we’re a tech company. Why? Because we still be...
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve updated the mobile version of Pass Wizard. Since releasing in March, we’re grateful that many people have used it. Recently, we found that there are multiple mobile users, so we’ve made it easier for smartphone and tablet users to use Pass Wizard. We’ve since updated th...
Did you know that Dreamersi, comes with exclusive access to other PSPINC products? For example, Dreamersi customers also have WebdeXpress and InforMakers at their disposable. And they even get special discounts whenever we discount any of our products or services. WebdeXpress (WDX) is PSPINC’s intuitive websi...
At Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. we offer several products and services. Each product or service has a domain name. Each of these domains have unique PR activities to attract visitors. However, this is not enough to attract all of the visitors to one place. So we decided to place all of our products and services on https:...