People congratulate me for running the company for 30 years. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all your comments but I rather be 27 years old than 57. When I started Pacific Software Publishing, I was young and stupid. Now, I am old and stupid. What's up with that?
Just about 30 years ago in July, I started Pacific Software Publishing own Mercer Island, Washington. The first choice of the name was not Pacific Software Publishing. It was GENESYS ... as a beginning. But it was denied.
投稿日 2017-06-30 03:03
本日、新しいテーマ「自動車」のリリースを行いました。 車好きの方にはもちろん、シックなデザインがお好きな方にもぴったりなデザインとなっております。 「自動車」は管理画面、テーマメニューの【レスポンシブ】欄からご利用いただけます。 デスクトップコンピューターはもちろん、タブレット、スマートフォンなど、...
Hello Bloguru Bloggers! We have released a new responsive theme called "Automobile" for use on your blog, perfect for those car enthusiasts or those looking for a darker, bolder theme. You can find the theme under the responsive tab on the admin themes page. As previously mentioned, responsive themes will only work ...
There are three new panels at PSPinc lobby. They represents computer industry's "PAST", "PRESENT" and "FUTURE". What do you think?
I believe the RING is the best selling IoT product. It replaces standard doorbell with Camera, Microphone and Speaker. When someone passes by or press...
30 Years ... that is almost 11,000 days. More than half of my life away ... I started Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. at Shorewood Apartment on Mercer Island, Washington. When I register Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. ... that was my second choice for the company name. The first choice was GENESYS INC, It was denied ...
PSPinc 30th party will be held at WOODMARK HOTEL in Kirkland, July 21. I believe all the seats are filed at this point. Thank you for your support.
投稿日 2017-06-22 09:01
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
アメリカンバイクと言えば言うまでもなくハーレー、根強いユーザー層に支持されています。しかし過去5年間の株価を見ると上がるでもなく下がるでもない状況が続いています。これは何故でしょうか? 彼らは実は悩んでいるのだそうです。 彼らのユーザーの多くは50歳以上で、多分後15年したらバイクに乗らない、いや乗...
Back in 1997 to 2003, PSPinc published series of software design to help people write Japanese on English Windows. It is funny that we still get a support call for KanjiKit once or twice a year. One point, one of our user lost install disk #3. Well, we had to scramble to find the set of installation disks. We found one unopened...