投稿日 2018-12-31 09:32
ウチクラ ケンイチ
1. PSPinc Web Development Service for Dreamersi Customers 1.1 Do It Yourself Web Development using Web de Xpress 1.2 We Do It For You Web Development using Web de Xpress 1.3 Custom Web Development using Web de Xpress 1.4 Full Web Application Development 1.5 Full Automated Web Promotion Systsem 1.6 Web Onl...
Built on Free CRM Platform (PILOT SBT) developed by PSPinc, we have developed a customer feed back program which allows your customer to give you an instant feedback of your support. There is no per seat charge for this program. Unlimited support feedback program for just $100 per month. https://www.pilotsbt.com/...
PSPinc is a dog friendly company.
投稿日 2018-12-25 07:00
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
I wonder how many people remember our old (original) data center on Northup Way in Bellevue. We moved in to this facility in 2003 but we had a flooding accident 2004. We moved out to Seattle, Fisher Plaza in 2006.
投稿日 2018-12-22 09:05
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We had employee run White Elephant Gift Exchange today. It was fun.
Email Security Update In an attempt to prevent and block spammers we are implementing the 2nd phase of our email security update. Spam is when hackers...
Every year end, I have to struggle with things to eat. I try not to eat many things such as Sugar, Salt, Potassium, Carbohydrate ... But every days there is something new at the company kitchen. I am so weak...
We have made new jacket for PSPinc.
In many cases, your email address your USER ID at many locations including banks and shopping websites. If your email is compromised, hackers can access those set to change the password request to gain access. Once they have an access to those site using your ID, your hackers will have a great tome shopping. So, c...