We our holiday party on the first Friday of December every year. Look what we have served?
投稿日 2018-12-09 11:57
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
私に知るかぎりテスラに乗る人はいつもテスラの話をしたがる。 これって昔 Apple を使っている人たちがみんなそうだったように、ユーザーが広告塔になってくれている。 最近このような商品を見ることが少ないので素晴らしい話だ。...
It was a great holiday party yesterday and people seem to enjoy the food. Thanks to employees and their family, vendors and friends for supporting PSP this year.
I have been thinking about purchasing Facebook Portal for my parents in Japan. I just want to have an easy way for my parents to call me and see me. This product looks promising but, it has a lot more features than I really need. It would be a good idea to have just an all-in-one simple to use video conferencing system. ...
2018 is almost over. Did you complete everything you set out to do at the beginning of the year? Are you happy with what you have accomplished? If you are happy, you belong to a very small group of people. Most of us are not happy about what we have accomplished. We still have many things unfinished. But time keeps o...
Here is the email I sent out to everyone I have met. Some of the people may not remember me, but I have you on my address book. ---<>--- Welcome to the first edition of the Uchikura Newsletter. I intend to send out this newsletter on a regular basis and hope it helps inform, inspire, and potentially even make you ...
投稿日 2018-12-03 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Please take a look. If you want to post your sale, please register and start posting. There is no cost. https://kiroboto.com
投稿日 2018-12-02 11:29
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I booked next flight to Japan. I will be traveling on the 14th of January to 28th. I hope to see as many companies as possible on this trip.
I am planning a next Japan trip in the mid January. I usually go to Computer / IT Fair in Japan in February but this year I may pass that responsibility to others. I am planning to go to Japan more often next year.
We have created the way for people to report SPAM email to our SPAM filtering system. When you receive SPAM or any other unwanted email, just attach those email and send them to spamcollect@pspinc.com for reporting. We will be regularly update our SPAM filter based on your reporting. More you report, more SPAMs ...