投稿日 2017-12-19 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
It is frastrating when your email is not working. Joing 40,000 other comapnies trusting PSPinc to take care of their email server. http://www.dreamersi.com http://www.pspinc.com
投稿日 2017-12-18 10:29
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is a great deal for 34" monitor. B&H Photo Video offers the LG 34" 21:9 UltraWide IPS LED-Backlit LCD Monitor for $309.95 with free shipping. https://kiroboto.com/Posts/view/65
What are the thing you buy at duty free shops in Japan? What the the things you like to see sold in your country from Japan?
Connecting Tokyo and Osaka (500 km or 320miles) in about 2 and half hours, Shinkansen is a very reliable and fast and comfortable transpiration even when you compare it to the airlines. Jets fly from Tokyo to Osaka in about 50 minutes, but you need to take train, bus or taxi to get to the downtown area whereas Shinkan...
駅弁好き? -> Ekiben Suki? -> Do you like Ekiben?
投稿日 2017-12-16 09:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
As one of its daily deals, Amazon takes 50% off a selection of Timbuk2 backpacks and bags. Plus, all orders bag free shipping. Deal ends today. https://kiroboto.com/Posts/view/61
According to the press release below, they made 1,000 shirts ... they sold only three. Funny campaign. https://dmm-corp.com/press/press-release/20428 I don't think they ship it oveeseas.
The "Ghost in the Shell" is a very popular anime series as many of you know already This year, Hollywood took the story and remakes it to the large screen. Did you see it? Did you like it? Hollywood tends to change the story (a bit) to make it more Americanized. By doing that, they killed the story line. I see this at Hol...
Current retail tax rate is 8% throughout Japan. But as a foreigner visiting Japan, you can shop items over 5,000 yen (US$45) duty free. You need to bring your passport with Japan Entry Stamp to take advantage of this offer. What do you want to buy when you are there? Unfortunately you cannot use this duty free offer to h...
投稿日 2017-12-13 09:28
ウチクラ ケンイチ
No matter how hard you try, accidents will happen. That is why they are called accidents. As a professional, you have to make sure you do everything you can to prevent accident from happening. But you are also required to prepare for the worst case scenario. In many businesses, people look at the best scenario and not...