Your browser does not support iframes. Dameda だめだ No way Akan あかん No way Arigatou ありがとう Thank you Ookini おおきに Tnhank you Ikura いくら How much? Nanbo なんぼ...
投稿日 2018-01-10 11:10
ウチクラ ケンイチ
When I was programming, I had a computer and desk and the chair. I did not have a view ... Well, I did not have any window. But I did not care. When did it come to the point where programmers needed to work in the office space with windows ...
Konnichiwa Ojyama Itashimasu こんにちは おじゃまいたします Hello, We will bother you. Youkoso Irassyaimase ようこそ いらっしゃいませ Welcome, Welcome Goyukkuri Shitekudasai ごゆっ...
Irassyai mase いらっしゃいませ Welcome Ohitori desuka おひとりですか Party of One Iie futari desu いいえふたりです No we are two Kochira ni Douzo こちらにどうぞ Please follow me Ok...
Watshi no namae wa Uchikura desu. わたしのなまえはうちくらです Kobe de umare mashita こうべでうまれました Ima wa Shiatoru ni sunde imasu. いまはシアトルにすんでいます Syumi ha onsen to ryo...
Click It Audio enables you to upload any MP3 sound file and store it on the cloud. Then, you can access it using the simple HTML embed tag. I believe it is one of the simplest way to make your website more attractive and easy to understand. Please go to the Click It Audio website and register. I will setup an account for y...
How to use the Japanese possessive called no (の) Yama No Saru やまのさる A Monkey in the mountain. Kawa no Sakana かわのさかな A fish in the river. Sora no Tori ...
Saki Ototoi さきおととい 3 Days Ago Ototoi おととい 2 Days Ago or A Day Before Yesterday Kinou きのう Yesterday Kyou きょう Today Ashita あした Tomorrow Asatte あさって A Da...
Here are some questions you may find them useful. Ima Nanji Desuka いまなんじですか What time is it now? Sore wa Itsu Desuka それはいつですか What time will that be? ...
おはようございます Ohayou Gozaimasu Good Moring おやすみなさい Oyasumi Nasai Good Night こんにちは Konnnichiwa Hello はじめまして Hajimemashite How do you do こんばんわ Konbanwa Good...