Are you apply with your web pages? If you wish to refresh your web pages but do not want to spend lots of money, we can do that for cheap or we can teach you how to do that for free.
Do you like Japanese beef?
There are few requests for Japanese tutoring using Skype ... We will be soon starting to create a Japanese language teacher database. So we can introduce teachers to the students. Are you interested???
投稿日 2018-09-08 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I do not know if you sell anything ... but many people are attracted to opposite sex. Nowadays, most important thing in marketing (not Face to Face sales) is getting attention.
Nike thought people would endorse NIKE for this ad. If the target is to create people to talk about Nike, they have succeeded. I personally would not approve this ad campaign. I think it is a bad taste. It is not like Apple's Think Different Ad.
投稿日 2018-09-07 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is our staff's PC in Japan. Mayumi brought Tiny's sticker but did not bring Pompom's. What is with that?
Suzuki Motor Company decided to pull out of car manufacturing in China. They also pulled out of US market for their automobiles. Suzuki still sells its motorcycles in the US. Mr. Toshihiro Suzuki is a CEO and he can dictate where the company os going. It does not act like publicly traded company. I like it.
In general, said is not considered a meal by itself in Japan. When you go to a wester style restaurant, you will receive a salad in small bowl in Japan. So if you are traveling to Japan and hoping to get a big bowl of salad like you see above, you will not find it. Of cause you can always go to a buffet restaurant and get a...
Bloguru video testing 480P ... M4P file (iPhone Video) This is a 12 MB video in 480p ... The original file was 41 MB in 1080p. It did not work with 1080p ... So I am testing it with 480p. We are monitoring the server load ... it is taking a lot of load when I upload video. We need to look at the conversion process or check a...
投稿日 2018-09-05 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Check out those great deal at Kiroboto. http://www.kiroboto.com