投稿日 2018-10-18 09:11
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Have you ever seen the sign above right next the website URL (address) on your browser? It tells user that your website does not have security certified. You need to purchase what is called SSL to make your site secured. Soon, if your site is not secured, you will not even be listed by Google. If your website has no SS...
投稿日 2018-10-17 11:55
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Great Deals. You can advertise your products for free. https://kiroboto.com
投稿日 2018-10-17 11:41
ウチクラ ケンイチ
$399.99 is steep but it can replace two monitors. I used to use two monitors on my MacMini but one broke and I have only one. https://kiroboto.com/Seattle_WA/Posts/view/LG_34%22_1440p_IPS_LED_Display%2C_%2450_Newegg_GC/20181017/726
You do not find any public buses with the dirty wheel in Japan. They are cleaned and inspected by the driver everyday before they leave garage. Next time you go to Japan, please take a look at buses to if they are clean.
I do not know why but there are more vending machines in Japan than any place else I know. Why do you think that is? May be because there will be less vandalizing in Japan.
Do you like Soba? If you would like to eat something ... You name the dish you want to eat and add "Tabetai" or "Tabetai Desu" at the end. Kare- Tabet...
I did not know there are so many hidden menus at Yoshinoya.
I often hear people in the US confuse Bonsai 盆栽 and Banzai 万歳. What you see above is Bonsai 盆栽....
投稿日 2018-10-13 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Look what I found ... You don't need to do your make up for video conferencing any more.
投稿日 2018-10-12 09:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Sign up is very easy with Kiroboto and it is free. With Kiroboto account, you can advertise your company, products, service and sale. Even when the sale is going on at other sites such as Amazon and eBay. Advertisement is free. Please sign up using following link. https://kiroboto.com/users/signup-step1