投稿日 2017-04-07 13:11
ウチクラ ケンイチ
You can spend more to buy inexpensive wired headset for your smartphone. But for the same price or less, you can order our bluetooth headset with microphone for your smartphone. Free shipping too. http://www.uchikura.co/wireless-headphones/
投稿日 2017-04-06 13:25
ウチクラ ケンイチ
To promote bluetooth headset pre-order ... we have started Facebook Advertisement. Get your Bluetooth headset for your smartphones for only $14.95 with free shipping. http://www.uchikura.co/wireless-headphones/
投稿日 2017-04-05 09:27
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Do Japanese girls want to date with foreign people? Interview Video. The video is available at the top page of Japanese-Online.com http://www.japanese-online.com
We are releasing bluetooth headset at Uchikura & Co website. The pre-order sale price is $14.95 with free shipping. It is an unbeatable price. The price will go up when we start shipping the products in mid April. http://www.uchikura.co/wireless-headphones/
投稿日 2017-04-01 11:53
ウチクラ ケンイチ
For now we turn http://www.uchikura.co into English language site. This we site shows the current projects of Uchikura & Co. If you have question or interested in working with Uchikura & Co., please contact me at info@uchikura.co
We are now accepting pre-order of bluetooth headset for $14.95 with free shipping from Seattle. When the products start shipping, the price will jump up to $19.95. We are expecting the release date of mid April. http://www.uchikura.co/wireless-headphones/
投稿日 2017-03-31 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
In order for us to develop US market first, we are switching blog main language from Japanese to English. http://www.bloguru.com/uchikuraco http://www.uchikura.co
As the first product of Uchikura & Co, we have started the pre order of bluetooth headset. The pre-order price is set to $14.95 (Regularly $19.95) including shipping anywhere in the US. Any international order, please add $5.00. And Washington State Resident, we must charge you sales tax. http://www.uchikura.co/wire...
投稿日 2017-03-30 09:18
ウチクラ ケンイチ
内倉社中、最初の商品の予約注文が開始されました。商品はブルートゥースのヘッドセットで、価格は $14.95 で送料込みです。商品は全てシアトルから発送される予定です。(発送は4月中旬を予定) 日本からのご注文の場合は $5 高くなってしまいます。ごめんなさい。 As the first produc...
投稿日 2017-03-29 12:48
ウチクラ ケンイチ
お待たせいたしました。 Bluetooth Headset の予約販売をまもなく開始いたします。 販売価格は、$19.95 に設定いたしましたが、予約期間中はこれからまた値引きをした金額で発売いたします。 もうすぐです。...