投稿日 2018-05-18 09:53
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This is a picture of my office 7 years ago. It has not changed much.
Many people of western cultures cannot eat fish with their heads. We are so used to it. Can you handle fish with head? This is さんま / Sanma or Pacific ...
I have purchased $20 mystery box today. I have no idea what I will get, but they say it is 80% off the retail. I will let you know what I get. https://www.itechdeals.com/itechdeals-surprise-box-of-tech-limited-quantities-available.html
投稿日 2018-05-18 01:08
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I manage to buy 2 packs of 2 dozen COSTCO Kirkland Signature Goof Balls. I have never seen it at COSTCO stores. I manage to buy them online. After I bought it, it was gone again. So, instead of using them, I will bring them as a gift for my next business trip.
Robata Yaki ... 炉端焼き Ramen ... ラーメン (He said Tonkatsu Ramen ... but correct pronunciation is Tonkotsu Ramen) Yakitori ... 焼き鳥 (Yakitori is Chiken ... ...
How can a small girl like this eat this much food? This food must be more than 10% of her weight. What she is eating os CoCo Ichiban curry Level 10 Hot.
投稿日 2018-05-16 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Younger people are more practical than my generation. I always wanted to own things rather than borrow them. But younger generation wants to borrow thing only when they need them. Like office space, many new ventures are located at shared space like WeWork instead of leasing an office for long term. It may cost mor...
Most popular Japanese breakfast all Japanese love. It is called Tamagokake Gohan.
投稿日 2018-05-15 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
This was a great lunch choice for our lunch meeting. I really like Jimmy John's.
As much as 3,000 people cross this crossing every time. One of the busiest scramble crossings in the world. It is located north-west side of JR Shibuya Station near the statue of Hachi.