投稿日 2019-04-13 11:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I wanted to test NFC Tags (RFID Tags) for future development. If I has Android, it would have been easier but I am a iPhone user. So, I needed to purchase TAG Reader/Writer ... I got one today. It came with SDK but no easy software. I has=d to return it. It needs to be much easier.
よろしくおねがいします Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu The phrase is よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegaishimasu). The simplest, quickest and easiest way to understand yoroshik...
きらい is an opposite of すき which we explained in the following post. https://en.bloguru.com/japaneseonline/345926/suki You can ask onion 「_____すき?きらい?」t...
うれしい 嬉しい Ureshii Means happy / glad / pleasant If you are happy about something ... You just say うれしい...
まいった Maita means "You win". In Kendo and other martial arts, if you say まいった ... opponent wins. You also use it like "You win" in conversation. If you...
コンビニ ... Konbini It's how Japanese call "convenience store". 7 Eleven Family Market Lawson...
When you are sorry ... You say "Gomen". It is a very casual form ... To be more polite you say ごめんなさい "Gomen Nsai" To be even more formal, You say 申し訳...
投稿日 2019-04-08 09:10
ウチクラ ケンイチ
https://kiroboto.com You can post your sale at https://kiroboto.com at no cost.
すみません is a word you use like "Execuse Me" in English. If you bump into someone accidentally, you say 「すみません」 You can also use the sword to get attenti...