投稿日 2019-07-08 03:17
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I went to Whole Foods this morning to see if I can get some breakfast. I ended up not buying anything. I think it was the first time to went to Whole Foods since it was purchased by Amazon. I see some Amazon flavors in the store.
簡単 かんたん Kantan Easy それは かんたん です(か) It is easy. or Is it easy?...
投稿日 2019-07-07 07:42
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We are on creating a banner for the trade show ... We will be displaying the Opinion Stand at the show.
節約 せつやく Setsuyaku Conserve せつやくする I conserve...
難しい むずかしい Muzukashi Being Difficult これは むずかしい です。 This is difficult....
投稿日 2019-07-05 12:14
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We just release my.pspinc.com ... new billing and payment system.
投稿日 2019-07-04 13:36
ウチクラ ケンイチ
As of July 1, I am back as a president of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. I am back to take care of few things. I am not here to be popular ... I am here to make this company bigger and stronger.
残念 ざんねん Zannen Unfortunate, regrettable, deplorable, sad きょう あえなくて ざんねんです I am very sad that we can not meet today....
秋葉原 アキハバラ Akihabara アキバ Akiba Tokyo electronic district is called Akihabara. It is often referred as Akiba. or can be abbreviated to AKB ... Do you kn...
投稿日 2019-07-03 12:26
ウチクラ ケンイチ
If you’re a small business owner, you might be nodding along as you read these business mantras, agreeing wholeheartedly with each one. After all, it’...