投稿日 2019-07-18 09:03
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Communication is always an issue when you try to manage multiple departments.
〜〜〜が、たべたい ~~~Ga, Tabetai I would like to eat ~~~. 私は、とんかつが、たべたいです。 I would like to eat Tonakatsu....
あぶない Abunai Dangerous あぶない あそび dangerous play あぶない あそびは やめましょう。 Do not play dangerously. (dangerous play)...
投稿日 2019-07-17 03:04
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I have been using iPad and I will continue to use iPad but Fire HD 10 seems very attractive alternative to iPad. I will check and let you know what I think when I get it.
可愛い かわいい Kawaii Cute あの犬はかわいいですね。 That dog is cute,...
自由 じゆう Jiyuu Freedom I once saw a tattoo ... 無料 (Muryou) I think the person wanted to say "FREE" ... It is Free ... but it mean "No Charge" ... No a g...
夢 ゆめ Yume Dream 夢をみました。 I dreams ... みました ... I watched...
投稿日 2019-07-15 02:44
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Everything now is always evaluated and share on the Internet. One bad experience by one customer can spread like a national news. So, you need to make sure your know what customers are thinking. For that we have created opinion stand. But many people evaluating Opinion Stand wants to ask customers to write and exp...
うさぎ Usagi うさぎが いました。 There was a rabbit....
投稿日 2019-07-13 23:46
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We have the original Kiosk version which are very popular. But for people who need more information gathering capabilities like; (1) Each server having the unique input (2) Apply evaluation on product packaging (3) having opinion survey at every hotel room. (4) For share house (5) Rental Car (6) Trade Show Booth W...