なんか Nanka is a very difficult word to translate to English. なんかない Nanka Nai ... Is there anything? なんかつかれた Nanka Tsukareta ... I do not know why but I...
投稿日 2019-05-08 09:25
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Here are some of he products I have been working on. Opinion Stand Click It Audio Feed Back System Pilot SBT / CRM HelpDesk System New Japanese Online (Under Construction) Post in Heaven Kiroboto Other than HelpDesk, you can take a look at them. Please let me know what you think. We are looking for beta-testers,...
めちゃくちゃ ー> めっちゃ It means a lot. めっちゃ おいしい Good Tate めっちゃ かわいい Very Cute...
さよなら Sayonara Good Bye ... sayonara. The word sayonara means "goodbye" or "farewell." ... It's a Japanese word that has been a popular informal word i...
When your location have weak WiFi signals, teh system have problem connecting to the server. This is the reason why we recommend Cellular connectivity for our machines. If you are sure about good WiFi Internet Connection, you can save $35 per month by going to WiFi only version. http://www.opinionstand.com
もったいない Mottainai is a Japanese term conveying a sense of regret concerning waste. The expression "Mottainai!" can be uttered alone as an exclamation w...
おなか = Onaka = Stomach いっぱい = Ippai = Full I am full. おなかいっぱい おなか が いっぱい おなか が いっぱい です。...
投稿日 2019-05-05 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
https://kiroboto.com Do you know you can post your sale at Kiroboto for free?
わかりました -> I understand Wakarimashita わかりません -> I don't understand Wakarimasen http://www.japanese-online.com...
KIROBOTO is a market place where you can post anything for sale and have the payment processed by KIROBOTO. If you have something on sale on Amazon or eBay or Rakuten or any other shipping site, please advertise it on KIROBOTO. It is free to use.