People like this are disqualified for sales In a nutshell, a salesperson is someone who listens to the customer. It is your job to find out what the c...
When I graduated and came back from the US, I bought a used Fairly Z 2x2 2000cc in Japan. This car is different from the ones sold in the US. It has b...
投稿日 2020-11-20 03:09
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Using Dreamersi.com's brand new one page website theme (bata), I have updated my Uchikura.co website. Please take a look and let me know what do you t...
我々はミス酒ならびにミス酒 YouTube チャンネルを推奨します。 We endorse Miss Sake Organization and their YouTube Channel. 特に下記の YouTube Channel は、日本語の正しい使いか方、きれいな日本語を勉強するのに役立ちま...
線路 せんろ Senro Railroad Track Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for only $14/month! Learn more at Japanes-Online.com\ Free sign up...
鶏の唐揚げは好きですか とりのからあげはすきですか Tori no Karaage wa Sukidesuka Do you like fried chicken? Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for only $1...
ライン交換しませんか らいん こうかん しませんか Rain Koukan Shimasennka Would you like to exchange LINE address? Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for...
体温計 たいおんけい Taionkei Thermometer 熱はありません ねつはありません Netsu wa Arimasen I do not have a fever Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for o...
病院と美容院 びょういん と びよういん Byoiun to Biyouin Hospital and Beauty Saloon Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for only $14/month! Learn mo...
コロナうざい ころなうざい Korona Uzai Corona (Coronavirus) Annoying Japanese-Online offers a complete Japanese video course for only $14/month! Learn more at Japa...