Vol. 61 よくインターネットではサーバーという言葉を使います。サーバーって何ですか? サーバーは機器の種類ですか? OSの種類ですか? と聞かれます。例えば私の会社では500台を超えるサーバーをデータセンターで運営しています。これってどういうことなのか。なんかすごそうだけど意味がわかりませんよ...
Vol. 61 We often use the word "server" when talking about the Internet. What is a server? Some people ask me if a server is a type of device or a specific OS (operating system). For example, in my company, we have over 500 servers in our data center. It sounds great, but what does it mean?What is the difference bet...
Why do we need complex passwords? In the hosting business, I hear a lot of people talking about using weak passwords. Believe it or not, many people u...
This site looks and acts like YouTube but it is not YouTube. https://www.youmaker.com/ Kenichi Uchikura President / CEO Pacific Software Publishing, I...
Permalinks are the URLs to your pages and posts on your WordPress website. These are permanent links search engines and web visitors see when they go ...
今週は「コーチ」と言うキーワードを赤でハイライトしてみました。ブログルのタイトルでもキーワードを考えて作ることも大切です。 1神戸:ファルコンの散歩メモファルコン94.8%Open2ピンピン生きてポックリ逝く! ~ 半径1㎞の幸せ ~Kaon812.2%Open3神戸角打ち学会(至福の立ち呑み)神戸...
I put in about 300 miles today. I am starting to understand what it can do. It is very nice. Another nice thing about this car is that I don't see sam...
Western Washington is trying to build the light rail transportation system. For that we are paying lot of taxes for this system. The system is being b...
投稿日 2021-04-25 11:00
ウチクラ ケンイチ
2週間前に始めたクリプトカレンシーの取引、最初の一週間で40%近く値上がりして、すげ〜〜〜と思った。そこから1週間で利益は全て消えて、数%のマイナスに・・・これ怖いかも。 株とかと違って、クリプトカレンシーがどのタイミングで上がるのか、下がるのか、全く意味がわからない。長く持つべきなのか、頻繁に売買...
How many of you remember this dancing baby image (GIF). It has been 25 years since its rebut. The music video version came out in 1998. Kenichi Uchiku...