Congratulation to Seattle Executives Association for its 100th year anniversary. Today was a centennial video premiere. It is such a great organization and proud to be a member.
I went to Safeway this morning to buy some bagels and apples. I grabbed red and green apples in the plastic bags and did not check the prices. One bag costs $12.00 ... Wow. When I returned, one of my staff told me that this apple has an website. https://envyapples.com/en Must be one heck of an apple. I ate the green on...
Currently, HTC vive is considered one of the best VR (Virtual Reality) headset in the market. I am working on setting up VR in PSPinc. I purchased high-end laptop to host HTC vive unit. Well, I tested the Laptop with compatibility test. Although the PC has NAVIDIA GeForce 640M graphics with 4GB ram ... it was not good eno...
This week we have three of our top managers on the business trip. This has never happened. Mayumi Nakamura ... Business Trip to Japan Mariko Adams ... Business Trip to Japan Sumiko Midorikawa ... Business Trip to California They are all traveling today for the meeting starting tomorrow. I am here watching the dogs (...
Tiny's new sleeping position. He has done this two days in a row. Tiny and Nano will be with me starting Sunday as Mayumi is leaving to Japan.
投稿日 2017-03-07 09:19
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
今まで開発部は主にデスクトップをつかてきたが、今回テスト的ではあるがラップトップコンピュータを導入した。導入した機種は HP OMEN と呼ばれる・・・俗に言う GAME PC だ。 PSPinc もついにゲーム開発を回しか・・・...
I just received following email ... If the SEO is the most effective marketing, what are you send me email??? Hi, Greetings for the day! Advertising i...
I am planning my next trip to Japan. It will be late May to early June. If time permits, I would like to extend my trip to Taiwan to visit Computex for the first time. https://www.computextaipei.com.tw
Because of the snow, we have let people go home early. It is beautiful, but it is not safe for people.
Have you ever heard a term "Fail Fast"? Nobody want to fail but there are more chance you fail in doing something than you succeed. In order to reduce waste (time, money and resource), it is very important to determine whether the project is fail or success. If you can determine the failure quickly, you will gain an imp...