投稿日 2019-03-26 03:48
PSPINC代表 内倉憲一の公式ブログ
今週は皆さんいかがだったでしょうか? ランキングは上がりましたか? 下がりましたか? 私の場合、なんと英語のブログが日本語ブログをランキングで超えてしまいました。何があったのでしょうか?...
投稿日 2019-03-26 03:42
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Bloguru is the only blog with NO ADVERTISEMENT. ブログル・トップ・120 先週のランキングです。 皆さん先週はいかがだったでしょうか? 私のブログル、英語が日本語を抜きました。 面白い傾向です。...
投稿日 2019-03-25 05:15
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We are working very hard to get our new http://www.japanese-online.com ready.
We are working on today, Sunday, to get ready for major system update starting tomorrow. With this update starting tomorrow, we are ready to move over 3,000 corporate wen/email system to the latest version. This is one of the biggest update we have ever done in our 23 year hosting history. I thank people for working...
When Japan was known for manufacturing center of the world, Japan did not just copy western products, they made it shorter, smaller, lighter, thinner (Tan Shou Kei Haku). Of course, the final product does the same but they are much shorter, smaller, lighter and thinner which provide cheaper transport cost and fewer pa...
投稿日 2019-03-24 00:49
ウチクラ ケンイチ
If your customer likes your service, you want to know. At the same time you want to know if your customer is not happy. Do you have a way to measure that? Take a look at OpinionStand by PSPinc. Please call us for a demo. http://www.opinionstand.com
投稿日 2019-03-23 08:23
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Check out those savings on https://kiroboto.com
Dear web developing professionals. Please try not to sell me your service. I will only work with the companies that use our "domain, web and email" email hosting service for themselves and for their clients. If you do provide hosting service and wants to get out of the hosting service, please let me know. We buy clients a...
投稿日 2019-03-23 03:38
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Here are for updates that we have release this week. (1) Bumper Audio is added and played at the end of free audio uploads. (2) Now the QR Code is muc...