We have just updated the Opinion Stand web site. http://opinionstand.com We are now working with selected customers to test the opinion stand at their locations.
This is opposite of KY (Kuuki Ypmenai). KYR stands for Kuuki YomeRu ... Someone who can really understand what is going on.
We have the new version of Pinion Stand that we assembled. This may be the stand that we select for distribution. We need to do some more testing. http://www.opinionstand.com
Kaikaku - Kaizen - Kairyo 改革・改善・改良 Dear Reader, Those are the words that are associated with “CHANGE” in the Japanese language. They differ depending ...
投稿日 2019-03-29 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Use Kiroboto to promote your sale. https://kiroboto.com
It’s okay to feel stressed or frantic about work sometimes, but when it happens every day it’s time to make some changes. From jamming to your favorit...
投稿日 2019-03-28 11:27
ウチクラ ケンイチ
We are in the beta-testing stage of our new product called "Opinion Stand". If you are interested in becoming a user or reseller, please let mw know.
まじ "Maji" is a word people to express their surprise. I think the word Maji came from the word Majime (Serious) and got shortened. Maji means "Really?...
I will bring an Opinion Stand to Seattle Executives Association meeting tomorrow. This is the first time I will be showing this device outside of the company. http://opinionstand.com
The straight translation of やばい (Yabai) is "dangerous". But there is a second meaning for Yabai. You can use やばい to express - Super Good - Extremely W...