みぎて 右手 Migi Te ひだりて 左手 Hidari Te みぎ right ひだ left て hand みぎて Right Hand Also means right hand side. ひだりて Left Hand left hand side....
Last year I was browsing the Internet and found an article that I was interested in - so I started to read it. I am not a fast reader and unlike newspapers or magazines, reading long articles can be very tiring. So, I selected the article and with a click of the right button on my mouse, I chose Speech (I'm a Mac user, and...
投稿日 2019-05-14 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Here are the list of top 70 users at http://www.bloguru.com Bloguru is a truly Advertisement Free blog platform.
Special thanks to Tom Hill and his crew. Rainier Specialty Services cleaned the carpet today at PSPinc. http://www.rainierservices.com
投稿日 2019-05-13 09:19
ウチクラ ケンイチ
おかわり Okawari 自由 じゆう Jiyuu You see this sign sometimes in the restaurants. What it means is you can ask for refill of usually Rice, Soup and Cabbage ...
うえ 上 Up した 下 Down If you put 上 and 下 next t each other ... It reads じょうげ 上下 このスイッチは、じょうげにうごきます。 このスイッチは、上下に動きます。 This switch moves up and down....
You always learn something. I can build something like this and offer it to the restaurant customers.
投稿日 2019-05-12 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I bought two thing on this list ... such a great price. https://kiroboto.com
しりません shirimasen I don't know. If you do not know answer to the question, you can just say しりません。 You can be polite by "I am sorry" first. すみません しりま...