投稿日 2018-07-02 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Many small stores are being forced out of business by large stores. Many large store chains are closing because they cannot compete with Internet. Internet stores are buying Brick and Motor stores. What is going on?
This is a great story of a ramen shop in the middle of the field. I saw this on NHK WORLD.
International house of WHAT? I am glad it iOS just a temporary ... ipob does not sound good. --- IHOP said on Monday that it's temporarily changing it...
Wabi-Sabi In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. Japanese do not really admire perfection ... The idea is that nothing in the universe ie perfect, therefor you should not look for perfection. So when you design things, you leave something to mak...
投稿日 2018-07-01 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
You can use Kiroboto to promote your business at no cost. Seriously, there is no cost to register and start proving your business locally. https://kiroboto.com We are on the third phase of Kiroboto development. The third phase will allows you to sell products at Kiroboto and we will do the all the financial transaction.
"Fukkin-Joshi," or Six-Pack-Women is a term that's becoming popular in Japan. We meet trainer and model AYA, who's inspiring women to sculpt their bodies and toughen their minds. https://www.facebook.com/nhkworld/videos/2155106364536108/
Do you even know what this is?
投稿日 2018-06-29 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Click on the icon below to hear MP3 recording of my voice. This service is called ClickItAudio ... You can sign up for free at http://www.clickitaudio.com Your browser does not support iframes. https://www.clickitaudio.com/audio-embeds/output-audio-tag/4?o=5da2ac58c2642b79
If you have a change to be there ... You really should go there. I have never been there but I always wanted to go there ... one my bucket list items....
I used to use Aperture software from Apple ... then they stop supporting it. So I had to switch to Photos ... The transfer was not very good and I had to re-enter a lot of text. Now with almost 133,000 photos, Photos is crapping out on me often. Apple is loosing its quality control.