感動 かんどう Kandou Impressed Moved Touched かんどうしました Kanjou Shimashuta I was moved...
投稿日 2019-08-08 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
"Blame the Indian, not the arrow” “A bad workman blames his tools.” "It is not the clubs you hit, it is you." There seem s to be several version of sa...
諦めない あきらめない Akiramenai Don't give up. あきらめないでください。 Akiramenaide Kudasai Please do not give up....
投稿日 2019-08-07 10:21
ウチクラ ケンイチ
What is going on ??? I shot over 100 again today. Only good thing is that I walked over 11,000 steps even with the cart. That shows how not straight I was all day.
簡単 かんたん Kantan Easy 難しい むずかしい Muzukashii Difficult このテストはむずかしい Kono Tesuto Ha Muzukashi This test is difficult ルールはたんたんです Ru-Ru ha Kantan Desu Rule is...
〜〜〜に行こう 〜〜〜にいこう 〜〜〜Ni Ikou Let's go to ~~~ スキーに行こう Sukii Ni Ikou Let's go Skiing 食べに行こう Tabe Ni Ikou Let’s go eat....
投稿日 2019-08-05 09:01
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Does getting what your customers are thinking important to you? Does clicking on just a face on the OpinionStand give you an enough feedback? Do you n...
〜〜〜を見せて 〜〜〜をみせて ~~~Wo Misete Show me ~~~. いえをみせてください。 Ie Wo Misete Kudasai. Please show me your house....
投稿日 2019-08-04 09:07
ウチクラ ケンイチ
I played golf today ... although I took a cart, I still manage to put 9,000 steps. It is 4:34pm, bu the time today is over I hope to go over 10,000 steps.
投稿日 2019-08-03 09:50
ウチクラ ケンイチ
Opinion Stand is like a thermometer for you business. It tell you if you have a fever or not. But you will not ask thermometer what is wrong with you when you have a fever. Do you need to know the temperature of your business, you need Opinion Stand. When you find out you have a fever, you need to go to a doctor.But ...