

  • Radiation Meters are Sold Out

    Can you believe all the radiation meters are sold out. I can not even find one except at eBay selling at much higher than the retail price. I checked the Washington Sate DOH web site that shows the radiation level. It show no change due to the Fukushima Power Plants. http://www.doh.wa.gov/Topics/japan/monitor.htm
  • Put it in Perspective

    180 mSv level of radiation was reported by people who got radiation burn yesterday at the plant. What is that mean? Well, this chard will put it in perspective. Source: http://xkcd.com/radiation/
  • Shibuya ... People are not out.

    I did not see many people out. People are not trusting the government announcement about no health risk due to the radiation fall out from Fukushima Nuclear power plants.
  • Wrong medication?

    Same medication but different shape pills ... Just last month only the pill was round (one on the left). I wonder why? Wrong medication? I hope not.
  • Calorie Free Ketchup

    I tried calorie free ketchup this morning. This was left over from mu daughters Kitogenic Diet she tried. It tastes like mexican pepper source without any hotness. It was not bad at all. It has no sugar either. So, it is good for me too. http://www.waldenfarms.com/ I have never heard of this company before. Interesting produ...
  • 投稿日 2011-02-11 12:45
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    自分自身がなっている訳ではないので恐縮ですが、年末あたりから周囲で、表題に関することで亡くなられた方が多いので書いてみます。 私は年末から実家暮らしで、本日近所の方の葬儀が行われます。自分も小さい頃はたまにお会いしていたおばちゃんで、長く闘病生活を送られていたそうです。 お隣りのおじさん、幼なじみの...
  • 目標は500m

    投稿日 2010-05-15 21:45
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    不定期に通う水泳の話です。今まで30分位泳いで終了していましたが、距離を決めてみようかなと。25mプールなら10往復。 私はスタミナ・スピード共に最低ランクらしく、年齢・性別問わず、良く抜かされます。小学校の頃、プールに通っていたにも関わらずですよ。 そんな私で大体、上記の距離を泳ぎ切るのに20〜2...
  • 調子が悪いです

    投稿日 2010-02-28 01:00
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    ちょっと無理をしたのか体調を崩し、水曜に病院へ行ったところ『急性鼻炎』。何だか風邪とも言い切れないネーミング。花粉症なので、そっち系かも知れません。インフルエンザの検査もしてもらいましたが『陰性』。陽とか陰とか言われてもピンとこないんですけど、大丈夫ってことですね。 けれども社内に『正真正銘』風邪引...
  • これは、初か…

    投稿日 2010-02-16 00:05
    Tai: Diary by Tai
    厄介事を弟に相談したところ 「そういうのは軽く流しといたら良いねん」 という事で、気が楽になりました。...
  • I was sick yesterday.

    I was really sick yesterday. I though I may have eaten something on Saturday that caused that. But when I came to the office today, I learned there are at least three other people who were sick this weekend. It must be stomach flu. Pompom (my dog) slept all day and night with me yesterday.
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