David Brown of Fox Plumbing was the third member to speak at Seattle Executives this week.
Today we manually updated Israel time to reflect DST. Please note this is a temporary fix and we will be making another deployment to properly resolve this issue. If you notice any issues with clocklink, please let us know and we will do our best to resolve the issue. Thank you.
The yard sale which was held to support earthquake and tsunami victims in Japan was a great success. The proceeds from the fundraise events and the donations colledted amounted to $10,829.50. PTA made donations to Red Cross and Peace Winds for victims in Japan. We really appreciated the part each of you took in the...
American Drapery, Blind & Carpet is celebrating 30 years of membership in Seattle Executives Association. Don Williams Executive Vice President of American Drapery, thanked his fellow Execs for all the support and business they have given him!
Today we released a count up clock showing the time that has passed since the earthquake that struck Japan on March 11, 14:46 GMT+9:00. If you would like to add this clock to your website or blog to show support for the people of Japan simply click here, or click on the clock below.
This morning bloguru was updated to resolve reported issues with the access graph in the administrative panel. If you have any questions or comments regarding this update please let us know. Thank you
Today we removed all comments that contained the word "Wholesale". If you see a lot of spam in your comments, please let us know. If you have any questions or concerns related to this update please let us know. Thank you
I thought I had 1:15 appointment, but now they tell me I have 1:40. I confirmed twice. I guess I should have confirmed three times. My fault.
The DST issues we were having have been resolved along with the daily clock views. Please let us know via email or comments if any one is still having issues. Thank you
Clocklink clocks did not update with the switch to DST in Europe. We are working on resolving this and will have a fix out Tuesday morning. In addition, we have been attempting to upgrade a couple of clocklink's servers but two of them have not been talking with our database. This results in lower than normal clocklink vi...