Getting ready for Seattle Execs Auction Drawing! Billy Poll of Morris Piha Real Estate Services, Jean Merlino of American Meter & Appliance and Sandy Schnebly of Schwartz Brothers Restaurants are certain they're going to win a great prize at the Seattle Execs Auction on May 25th!
Bruce Dickinson of Rainier Industries shared how much their 23 years of membership in Seattle Execs have helped grow their business. Here's to another 23 - at least!
Don't forget that the Blue Light Special on tickets for the SEA Auction drawing will continue at tomorrow's meeting, April 27. This will be your last chance to get bonus tickets for the drawing!
The SOS Neighborhood, aka The People's People showed their solidarity by wearing their team T-shirts to last Wednesday's meeting. Great show of color,team work and networking!
I played golf wearing polo shit, no jacket. It was wonderful. I was playing well but I think I run out of energy later.
Job well done! Christie Katona of Christie's Catering accepted her Seattle Executives Association membership plaque from her mentor, Donna Hyatt of City Moving Systems.
Congratulations to Kim Willis of Ameritrust! She received her Seattle Executives Association membership plaque from her mentor, John Huey of Viking Bank.
We are getting very close to upgrading the database behind the bloguru service. We should be able to do the upgrade sometime next week. Because of the amount data we have, we will be shutting the site down for a period of time, so please bare with us. We are moving last 7 year worth of data to new database.
The Eastside Entrepreneurs talked business while they enjoyed a sushi lunch hosted by Mayumi Nakamura and Ken Uchikura of Pacific Software Publishing.
These colorful beauties are not just any roses. They are part of a dozen bouquets presented to 12 lucky Execs by Ed Shinbo of Acacia Florist! Thank you, Ed, for your thoughtfulness! Just as you said, "flowers are even more special when they are given 'just because' and not necessarily for an event."