Dennis Tyler of DialPro Northwest hosted the Seattle Execs Associate Group today for their monthly luncheon.
JAL is resurrecting old crane logo. I like it.
I do feel ill when I smell a lily. Maybe because it reminds me of the memorial of my daughter last month. Today would have been Anna's 18th birthday. I guess she wanted to stay as a kid and did not want to grow up.
If you ask outside company to scan your photos into JPEG files at 300 or 600 dpi (dots per inch), how much does it cost? I thought 10 cents per photo would be a good price. Today, I found the company that does that. I am sure there are many other companies. What I saw was 38 cents per photo. That is way more than...
I scanned many photos ... this is one of them. I was 31. Yes, it was 20 years ago.
Last video showed Pompom and Nano running and people asked me where Tiny was. This video shows Tiny as well. He was having fun in the fresh powder as well.
We had another over 30 million clock views recorded at http://www.clocklink.com. We are working on removing mouse over link on all the clocks.
Did you know successful "I'm a Mac" CM was translated and exported to UK and Japan?
I walked near by park this morning with my and Mayumi's dogs. They love the snow.
I had Mexican food for dinner last night ... I still have enough left over for lunch today.